Philip Tagg
Philip Tagg es, sin ningún género de duda, uno de los musicólogos más destacados de las últimas décadas (siendo uno de los precursores de los Popular Music Studies). Además de esta labor, Tagg ha desarrollado actividades como compositor, arreglista y músico. Como profesor ha impartido docencia en la Universidad de Göteborg (Suecia), Universidad de Liverpool (UK) y Universidad de Montréal, además de haber sido profesor invitado en diversas instituciones alrededor del mundo. Philip Tagg es cofundador de la International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) y autor de trabajos fundamentales acerca de la música popular, la semiótica musical y las relaciones música/imagen. Actualmente desarrolla una incesante labor en torno a sus “edutaintment” videos, que están disponibles de manera gratuita para cualquier persona interesada (, del mismo modo que gran parte de su trabajo:
While studying music at Cambridge and education at Manchester in the 1960s, Philip Tagg was also active as songwriter, composer, arranger and musician in both the ‘classical’ and ‘popular’ fields. From 1971 to 1991 he taught music history, music analysis, music and the moving image, and keyboard harmony at the University of Göteborg (Sweden). In 1991 he initiated work on EPMOW (Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World). From 1993 to 2002 he taught at the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Popular Music. He was Senior Professor of Musicology at the Université de Montréal from 2002 to 2009. He retired in January 2010 and now lives in Liverpool (UK) where he continues to write and to produce his ‘edutainment’ videos ( In 2014 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Semiotics Institute for his contribution to music semiotics. His most recent books are Music’s Meanings (2013), Everyday Tonality II (2015), and Fernando the Flute IV (2018). For more info see and